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RealPure Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit
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RTG2401-01 中科瑞泰 试剂盒包装 / 50次 ¥400.00
细菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒(目录号:RTG2401) 试剂盒组成 RTG2401-01 (50次) RTG2401-02 (100次) 贮存方式 缓冲液GA 15 ml 30 ml 室温 缓冲液GB 15 ml 30 ml 室温 去蛋白液GD(浓缩液) 18 ml 36 ml 室温 漂洗液PW(浓缩液) 25 ml 25 ml 室温 洗脱缓冲液EB 15 ml 2×15 ml 室温 蛋白酶K(20 mg/ml) 1 ml 2×1 ml -20℃ 溶菌酶(5 mg/ml) 1ml 2×1ml -20℃ RNase A(10 mg/ml) 0.5 ml 1 ml -20℃ 吸附柱CG 50个 100个 室温 收集管(2 ml) 50个 100个 室温 说明书 1份 1份  
 储存、效期及运输: 本试剂盒在常温(25℃左右)干燥条件下,可保存1年;更长时间的保存可置于2-8℃。2-8℃保存条件下,若溶液产生沉淀,应在使用前置于37℃下溶解沉淀至溶液澄清后再使用。单独包装的蛋白酶K、溶菌酶和RNaseA收到后-20℃保存。 蛋白酶K、溶菌酶和RNase A湿冰运输,其余组份常温运输。
产品简介:: 本试剂盒采用可以特异性结合DNA的离心吸附柱和独特的缓冲液系统提取细菌(革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌)的基因组DNA。溶菌酶能有效去除细菌细胞壁;蛋白酶K能把核酸解离出来; RNaseA能去除痕量的RNA污染;离心吸附柱能够高效、专一吸附DNA,最大限度去除杂质蛋白及细胞中其他有机化合物,提取的基因组DNA片段大,纯度高,质量稳定可靠。 使用本试剂盒回收的DNA可适用于各种常规操作,包括酶切、PCR、文库构建、Southern杂交等实验。
 提取得率: 材料 提取量 DNA得量 细菌培养液 108–1010 cells 10-20 μg(革兰氏阴性菌)    6-10 μg(革兰氏阳性菌)
 准备工作: 1. 准备55℃和70℃水浴;无水乙醇;1.5 ml灭菌离心管。 2. 按照标签所示在去蛋白液GD和漂洗液PW中加入无水乙醇,混匀后盖紧瓶盖后室温贮存备用。 3. 每次使用前请检查缓冲液GA,缓冲液GB和去蛋白液GD是否有沉淀生成,如果出现沉淀,37℃温浴至沉淀溶解后再使用。  
 操作步骤: 如非指出,所有离心步骤均为使用台式离心机在室温下离心。 1. 取细菌培养液1-2 ml,10,000 g离心1分钟,尽量吸净上清;向细菌沉淀中加入180 μl EB,旋涡混匀后加入18 μl 溶菌酶,室温放置10-15分钟,期间间歇混匀几次。 注:溶菌酶的用量和处理时间与处理的细菌种类密切相关,用户可以根据细菌种类进行调节。如革兰氏阳性菌应将处理时间延长到30-60分钟。 2.10,000g离心1分钟,吸弃大部分上清,留下约10 μl液体,彻底混匀。    注:由于余留的液体较少,彻底混匀菌体不太容易,用手指弹动管壁附加枪头反复吹打既能完全混匀菌体。混匀一定要彻底,否则容易导致步骤8中离心柱堵塞。 3. 向菌体沉淀中加入200 μl缓冲液GA,混匀。 4. 向管中加入20 μl 蛋白酶K,混匀,55℃处理15-30分钟,期间间歇混匀2-3次至溶液清亮。    注:加入蛋白酶K后会产生絮状物,消化彻底的标志是絮状物完全消失,溶液变清亮。如消化不彻底,会导致步骤8中离心柱堵塞。 5. 加入10 μl RNaseA(10 mg/ml)溶液,混匀后室温放置2分钟。 6. 加入220 μl缓冲液GB,混匀,70℃放置10-30分钟(对于革兰氏阳性菌,时间应延长到60分钟)。 注:加入缓冲液GB时可能会产生白色沉淀,一般70℃放置相应时间后溶液会变清亮。如溶液未变清亮,应延长70℃处理时间。如果絮状物不能处理干净,容易导致步骤8中离心柱的堵塞。 7. 加入220 μl无水乙醇,充分混匀。 注:加入乙醇后会产生絮状沉淀,可用枪头反复抽打1-2次将沉淀弄碎后再上柱。如果絮状物未做处理,容易导致步骤8中离心柱的堵塞。 8. 将上一步所得溶液和絮状沉淀加入到吸附柱CG中(吸附柱放入收集管中),11,000g离心5分钟,倒掉废液,吸附柱CG放入收集管中。 注:如果出现吸附柱堵塞现象,可将离心时间延长到10分钟。 9. 向吸附柱CG中加入500 μl去蛋白液GD(使用前请先检查是否已加入无水乙醇),11,000 g离心2分钟,倒掉废液,吸附柱放入收集管中。 10. 向吸附柱CG中加入700 μl漂洗液PW(使用前请先检查是否已加入无水乙醇),11,000 g离心60秒,倒掉废液,吸附柱放入收集管中。 11. 向吸附柱CG中加入500 μl 漂洗液PW,11,000 g离心60秒,倒掉废液。 12. 吸附柱CG放回收集管中,11,000 g离心2分钟。 注:此步骤非常重要,其目的是将吸附柱中残余的漂洗液去除。漂洗液中乙醇的残留会影响后续的酶反应(酶切、PCR等)实验。 13. 将吸附柱CG转入一个干净的1.5 ml离心管中,向吸附膜的中间部位悬空滴加50–100 μl经70℃水浴预热的洗脱缓冲液EB,室温放置2分钟,11,000 g离心2分钟。 注; = ① 洗脱缓冲液体积最好不少于50 μl,体积过小影响回收效率。 =  ② 洗脱液的pH值对于洗脱效率有很大影响。若用水做洗脱液应保证其pH值在7.0-8.5范围内,pH值低于7.0会降低洗脱效率。 14. DNA产物-20℃保存。
 DNA浓度及纯度检测: 基因组DNA片段的大小与样品保存时间、操作过程中的剪切力等因素有关。提取的DNA片段可用琼脂糖凝胶电泳和紫外分光光度计检测浓度与纯度。可配制0.8-1.0%琼脂糖凝胶,使用λ/HindIII判断基因组的大小,完整的基因组大小应在23 kb以上。使用分光光度计检测时, OD260/OD280比值应为1.7-1.9之间,如果洗脱时不使用洗脱缓冲液,而使用去离子水洗脱,比值可能偏低,但并不表明DNA纯度不高。 核酸提取产品发表文章 1. [2008 IF=1.749] Development of a sequence-characterizedampli?ed region marker for diagnosis of dwarf bunt of wheat and detection ofTilletia controversa Kuhn. Author: J.H. Liu, L. Gao, T.G. Liu and W.Q. Chen Product: RTP2201 琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒 Journal: Letters in Applied Microbiology 2009,49,235-240 Institution:Institute ofPlant Protection ,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Paper link: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1472-765X.2009.02645.x   2. [2009 IF=2.435] Characterization of three new S-allelesand development of an S-allele-specific PCR system for rapidly identifying theS-genotype in apple cultivars. Author: Shenshan Long, Maofu Li, Zhenhai Han, Kun Wang, Tianzhong Li Product: RTP2201琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒 Journal: Tree Genetics & Genomes (2010)6:161–168 Institution:ChinaAgricultural University Paper link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11295-009-0237-6   3. [2010 IF=0.921] An ISSR-based Approach for the MolecularDetection and Diagnosis of Dwarf Bunt of Wheat, Caused by Tilletia controversaKuhn. Author: Li Gao,Wanquan Chen and Taiguo Liu Product: RTP2201 琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒 Journal: J Phytopathol 159:155–158 (2011) Institution:State KeyLaboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of PlantProtection, CAAS Paper link:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1439-0434.2010.01735.x   4. [2010 IF=1.359] Curing the Plasmid pXO2 from Bacillusanthracis A16 Using Plasmid Incompatibility. Author: Huagui Wang, Xiankai Liu, Erling Feng, Li Zhu, Dongshu Wang, Xiangru Liao,Hengliang Wang Product: RTP2201 琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒 Journal: Curr Microbiol (2011) 62:703–709 Institution:State KeyLaboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity, Beijing Institute of Biotechnology Paper link:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00284-010-9767-2   5. [2010 IF=1.993] Computation-assisted SiteFinding-PCR forisolating flanking sequence tags in rice Author: Hongru Wang, Jun Fang, Chengzheng Liang, Minghui He, Qiye Li, andChengcai Chu Product: RTP2201 琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒 Journal: BioTechniques Vol. 51 | No. 6 | 2011 Institution:Institute ofGenetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Paper link:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22150334/   6. [2012 IF=0.903] T Polymorphisms in majorhistocompatibility complex class IIa genes are associated with resistance toinfectious hematopoietic necrosis in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum, 1792). Author: Z. Liu, D.-D. Hu, S.-J. Shao, J.-Q. Huang, J.-F. Wang and J. Yang Product: RTP2202 PCR产物纯化试剂盒 Journal: J. Appl. Ichthyol. 29 (2013), 1234–1240 Institution:College ofAnimal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University Paper link:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jai.12326   7. [2012 IF=1.958] Cloning, bioinformatics and the enzymeactivity analyses of a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene involved in dragon’s blood biosynthesis in Dracaenacambodiana. Author: Xing-Hong Wang,Changhe Zhang Product: RTP2202 PCR产物纯化试剂盒 Journal: Mol Biol Rep (2013) 40:97–107 Institution:Yunnan Instituteof Microbiology, Yunnan University Paper link:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11033-012-2032-y   8. [2013 IF=1.687] Tobacco Arabinogalactan Protein NtEPc CanPromote Banana (Musa AAA) Somatic Embryogenesis. Author: H. Shu & L. Xu & Z. Li & J. Li & Z. Jin & S. Chang Product: RTP2201 琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒 Journal: Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2014)174:2818–2826 Institution:HaikouExperimental Station, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences Paper link:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12010-014-1228-0   9. [2015 IF=1.32] Association between MHC II beta chain genepolymorphisms and resistance to infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus inrainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792). Author: Juan Yang, Zhe Liu, Hai-Na Shi, Jiu-Pan Zhang, Jian-Fu Wang, Jin-QiangHuang & Yu-Jun Kang Product: RTP2202 PCR产物纯化试剂盒 Journal: Aquaculture Research, 2016, 47,570–578 Institution:College ofAnimal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University Paper link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/are.12516   10. [2015 IF=] A weird DNA band in PCR and its cause. Author: Chang Shenghe, Sun Wei, Zhou Zhaoxi, Li Jingyang, Dai Minjie, Shu Haiyan Product: RTP2102 普通质粒小提试剂盒 Journal: Journal of Plant Science & MolecularBreeding  Volume 5 Article 2 2016 Institution:Haikouexperimental station, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences Paper link:   11. [2017 IF=4.076] Application of Real-Time Quantitative PCRto Detect Mink Circovirus in Naturally and Experimentally Infected Minks. Author: Xingyang Cui, Yunjia Shi, Lili Zhao, Shanshan Gu, Chengwei Wei, YanYang,Shanshan Wen, Hongyan Chen and Junwei Ge Product: RTP2102 普通质粒小提试剂盒 Journal: Fronties in Microbiology May 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 937 Institution:College ofVeterinary Medicine, Northeast Agricultural University Paper link:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29867846   12. [2017 IF=3.974] In vitro and in vivo toxic e?ects and in?ammatory responses induced by carboxylatedblack carbon-lead complex exposure. Author: Shuanglin Jiang,, Mengting Shang,Kui Mu,Nan Jiang,Haiyan Wen,Rong Wang,Hai Wu,Wenyong Li Product: RTG2402 动物/细胞基因组DNA提取试剂盒 Journal: Ecotoxicology and EnvironmentalSafety 165 (2018)484–494 Institution:Key Laboratoryof Embryo Development and Reproductive Regulation of Anhui Province, FuyangNormal University Paper link:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651318309011   13. [2018 IF=8.063] ATF4 destabilizes RET through nonclassicalGRP78 inhibition to enhance chemosensitivity to bortezomib in humanosteosarcoma Author: Jie Luo,# Yuanzheng Xia,# Yong Yin, Jun Luo, Mingming Liu, Hao Zhang,Chao Zhang, Yucheng Zhao, Lei Yang, and Lingyi Kong Product: RTP2101 高纯质粒小提试剂盒 Journal: Theranostics 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 21 Institution:School ofTraditional Chinese Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University Paper link:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31534554   14. [2020 IF=1.857] Characterization and DevelopmentalExpression Patterns of Four Hexamerin Genes in the Bumble Bee, Bombusterrestris (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Author: Yakai Tian, Yingping Qu,Kun Dong,Shaoyu He,Wu Jie, and Jiaxing Huang Product: RTP2201 琼脂糖凝胶回收试剂盒 Journal: Journal of Insect Science (2021) 21(5): 13; 1–8 Institution:Institute ofApicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Paper link:https://doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/ieab078   15. [2020 IF=1.336] Isopentenyl Diphosphate Isomerase (IPI)Gene Silencing Negatively Afects Patchouli Alcohol Biosynthesisin Pogostemon cablin Author: Wuping Yan, Yuzhang Yang, Yougen Wu, Jing Yu, Junfeng Zhang,Dongmei Yang, Zeeshan Ul Haq Muhammad Product: RTP2102 普通质粒小提试剂盒 Journal: Plant Molecular Biology Reporter Published 27 January 2021 Institution:Collegeof Horticulture, Hainan University Paper link:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11105-020-01269-0   16. [2021 IF=6.064] Genome resequencing and transcriptomeanalysis reveal the molecular mechanism of albinism in Cordyceps militaris. Author: Ying Zhao, YuDong Liu, Xun Chen and JunXiao Product: RTG2407 真菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒 Journal: Fronties inMicrobiology.  Published 11 April 2023 Institution: Institute of Edible Fungi, LiaoningAcademy of Agricultural Sciences Paper link:https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1153153/full
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